Monday, July 1, 2013


Welcome to Karmageddon....

Karmageddon is what I jokingly refer to as spiritual overload or self help extreme.

I discovered the idea of Karmageddon around the time the term Carmageddon was popular as a term for "traffic" due to the closing and restructuring of the 405 freeway. It was like open heart surgery on the bloodline for all LA commuters.

Karma, we lovingly refer to as reaping what we sew, in the most basic and layman's terms. We purge Karma, we try to gain positive karma and release negative karma, we work off karma, I have even seen tip jars at Starbucks with signs that say: "Tip for good karma"
The more we learn about different religions the more we learn where they connect. The bible says "eye for an eye", in buddhisim there is Karma. It is a similar principle. Karma just can take many lifetimes where eye for an eye can be immediate. It keeps us within guidlines of morality and it keeps us in check.

Many of us are on a path, arguably everyone is. More and more people are discovering the path they are on is a spiritual one. As we move towards this concept we open ourselves up to what that means.
There are new age lifers that have been eating vegan and mediating and doing yoga since their underwater hypno birth. There are die hard bible belt religious people and the people in between. There are many who are just now opening more and more to the possibilities of collective conciousness, to a broader spiritual spectrum that includes the Power of Now, Quantum Physics, Law of Attraction and the Divine Light Awakening.
There is yoga of all kinds: Karma Yoga, Power Yoga Bikram Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Hot Yoga, Core Yoga, Thai Yoga Massage, Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Anusara Yoga, Laughter Yoga.... Holy Namaste!! That's alot of yoga to choose from!

Then a quick glance at our coices for Healing Modalities: Meditation, Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, Hypnotherepy, Past Life Regression, Rebirthing, Pranic Healing, Color Therepy, Healing with Crystals, Healing w/ Angles, Tapping or EFT, Ayurveda, Agape, Sonic Crystal Bowl Healing, Shamanistic Drumming, Vipassana, Tai Chi, Qigong..... to name a very few.

Every Tuesday night I am presented with a dilema. Do I address my highest spiritual self and my deepest passions by going to: 1) My Theater Group which is my acting class 2) Cosmic Om where I cherish my 4 hour medatations and satsang with Harishyam my meditation teacher or 3) go to Crystal Singing Bowls with Dominick at the ever so relaxing House of Intuition?
All of these options fall on the same night. Every Tuesday at the exact same time. Ironically a very fun comedy night also happens down the street at Pink Taco. Sometimes laughter and a margarita can be the best medicine, I believe this to be true although many of my die hard peers would disagree to the margarita... but to each his own.

That is the point of this Blog entry. Karmageddon to me, is the point when we are trying so hard to lift our "Spirits" to be the best we can be that our choices to achieve that become OVERWHELMING!! The point of all of the aforementioned meditating and healing and yoga-ing is to RELAX, to get in touch, to reach higher states of conciousness and  to multipy our positivity and share it.

So many times I have heard people who stress out in the parking lot trying to get a space at Agape, or are rushing in traffic to get to yoga, or can't even go into their emails because they are bombarded with horoscopes, meet ups, and email flyers for retreats, classes, soulmate teleconfences etc.
Not to mention all these things can get expensive.

When you find yourself in the mist of Karmageddon, which I do every Tues, remember being spiritual is personal, its a choice not an obligation. Adding pressure to that which is meant to bring peace is completely a waste of energy. It is the opposite of the kind of energy you are trying TO generate.
When I choose Acting over meditation class I REMIND myself that acting to me is my meditation. It is my source of light. It is me at my highest.

 If  it's golfing that gets you to GOD go by ALL means GOLF!!! (I use God here as a term for what brings you joy, calm, peace, balance and brings you "home")
Life is already confusing, busy, demanding and draining, remember adding spirituality and growth into your life is meant to add positively not add pressure.

If you have to miss a yoga class or can't afford your membership this month...take an hour walk instead. Sit in your room and light a candle. Allowing yourself to stop and relax is FREE. We really never need a class or another person or teacher to get close to Source.

We need ourselves in a calm, unaffected space. We must MUST remember to nurture ourselves and REALLY LISTEN to what we need in each moment. Sometimes Yoga class is not the answer this week. Maybe watching Family Guy re-runs is!
All I am saying is don't get caught in Karmageddon. Be good to yourself, you're doing the best you can and what you really need you will find it and do it when the time is right.
As A Reiki Healer I say this with complete confidence. I may seem like I am saying you don't need me but on the contrary...when people stop and listen to what they deeply need everyone winds up where they belong, everyone wins and everyone is in a place of higher frequency.

So the next time you can't decide what to do with your night off or are pressuring yourself to get to a class on time or don't know if you should sign up for a retreat you don't know if you can afford....Ask yourself what would make you HAPPIEST and do it, then ABSOLUTELY do not judge yourself on the decision you make. Breath deep and realize you just made the healthiest choice possible.