Take it or leave it...let your ego chew up and spit out what I am about to suggest. Up to you. I am just here to bring some awareness to subjects that Reiki and studying Energy has shown me. Literally, allow me to shed some LIGHT.
I started this blog a few days ago and to my dismay some people very close to me said I had been too open about my dating life, too honest about my experiences and that I may be putting negativity out there on the very thing I wsh to share. In the blog entry I hadn't painted a perfect picture of my experiences. I put out there my insecurities, when I am supposed to be the healer! How dare I! Well, here's the thing. Being honest, coming from truth, in my experience always seems to draw people IN not AWAY.
The dearest friends I have in my life have been ones who went from being an aquiantance, taking one healing session from me and suddenly being a friend for life the kind we would mutually jump in front of a bus for. Why did this happen? Because by them coming to me for a Reiki healing session we got in the sapce of being vunerable. We created a mutual space of trust.
Here's the thing about being perfect. I spent my life attempting to be perfect. Perfect hair, Perfect clothes, perfect social life ....yada yada. Where did that get me? Perfectly nowhere.
The dictionary definition of perfect is to be WHOLE and COMPLETE. Now, this is the only perfection I am striving for for myself and my clients. The feeling that no matter what is going down or up in your life you can feel this sense of inner completeness, wholeness.
When getting to know someone,vunerability is like a' let's be friends' Royal Flush. It's a winning hand. Why? because everyone is dealing with the same stuff in different clothes or different shapes. Everyone has insecurites, has had their heart broken, is worried about money....something is bugging them. When we open up to each other in our truth it is like exhaling. It is saying to the ego, guess what take a hike becuase I don't want to hide any more and let you whip me around exahusting me into making everyone think everything is fine.
I don't mean to say misery loves company so go around being a downer...it's about investing in REAL authentic communication. It's about letting your hair down and getting dirty sometimes. It is an ATTRACTIVE
way to be.
Here is an example.
Recently, I had a freind in town for his movie premiere. He brought his gorgeous, model looking girlfreind whom I had never met. She had heard alot about me and there MAY have been slight concern about this friend of her man's who was a girl. She was sweet as pie but our converations were polite and short, ' how's the weather' stuff. In the meantime, her boyfriend and my dear friend, the guest of honor who we were all there cheering on for his big movie premiere, did not only not want to walk the red carpet, he did not want to even stay for the movie. Instead we went for drinks. They had traveled about a thousand miles to go to it...
While having drinks we eventually discussed why he didn't want to go to the movie and be on the red carpet. He shared with me things he has had to deal with and then I shared my similar exeriences. Suddenly, his girlfreind was very interested in the conversation and I inquired more about her. As we talked she mentioned a few health problems. This 20 something, drop dead, stop traffic, hot girl was having the health problems of a 86 year old. My REIKI intuition was suddenly in high gear.
"What are you nervous about?" I asked. "Nothing" she said. I repeated, "Nothing?"
Suddenly, it was as if a light bulb went off...Her eyes opened wide. I said, "Anything you can't let go of?"
Her eyes welled up. She described an event in her life from almost 10 years ago that her boyfreind agreed to this day she holds onto.
With Reiki Healing you tend to see intuitively beyond what is physically going on with the body and how the past and our emotions can manifest into health issues. The kind of issues she was having physically told me she was holding in and suppressing when she really wanted to talk about it, possibly explain herself to someone, that forgiveness and apologies needed to be happening and her health problems would improve.
Two things happened. REIKI was in motion, which is an amazing and incredibke phenomenon and the other is three people got really vunerable. What happened in that 20 minutes was everyone became closer. Everyone felt cared about, everyone felt trust in place. I commend her for her openness and because she was able to be vunerable, she gained infromation that will help her.
There is this treasure chest on the otherside of being open and having the courage to be vunerable. I don't mean weak or complaining all the time. I mean connecting with people on a human level.
It is not neccessary to try so hard to be "perfect". Flaws and imperfections are what make us real, what allow others to feel safe around us.
I have a theory why all these strarlettes and young actors wind up in rehab, they are simply so exahusted of having to maintain a sense of perfection, It just eventually has to burst out of them, that they aren't! No one is.
Simply strive to be you. Where you are now. When you start judging yourself or others..'.check yourself before you wreck yourself'. The opposite of ego is love. The ego is why we are on this planet. Each of us has our personal mission to accomplish~ the war to win within ourselves. Our biggest mission is to rise above the ego mind and be in complete and whole acceptance of our divine selves.
So next time you reach for something to say, ask youself how authenic you are being. How real you are being.
See what happens when you chose to be a little vunerable.
I just did it a few minutes ago at the gym. I ran into a huge talent agent here in Hollywood. He asked how I was. I usually say "Great!" Today, I wasn't great and I expressed my truth. You know what happened? This huge Hollywood agent stopped his work out and hugged me. He said, "You're Beautiful, you know that." He's gay, to be clear so it was not about flirting. No, he got real right back with me.
Bottom line. Don't be afraid to be you...you're beautiful...with all your flaws and imperfections.
I will end with a quote from the Desertata:
Be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
Love and Light,
Heart Smart! <3