Who would have thought that my next Blog entry would come with words of wisdom NOT from Tony Robbins or Michael Beckwith or Eckhart Tolle or Esther Hicks or Louise Hay or Marianne Williamson...but from Kristen Wiig. Comedian/Actress and Writer of Bridesmaids currently in movie theaters across the U.S.
Bridesmaids is silly and campy and from the producers of Superbad, more importantly; it has heart. But this is not a movie review. This is about one line of dialog that struck a chord in me. Light bulb moment. "You are the problem AND the solution."
I used this statement with a client today who felt victimized by life and who felt everything was going "wrong". She wanted a break, one little break. I get it, we all get it. We have all been there. Here is the thing. Our ATTITUDE about whatever is going has the POWER. Not some outside force, your parents, your boss, your friends, boy/girl friends...YOU.
Esther Hicks and her husband Jerry Hicks talk about the Law of Attraction. There is ALOT to be said for that and millions of books sold on that mattter... but here is the thing. I personally, and this is only my opinion think: some things are simply out of your control. Good news is that this lets you take a proverbial load off. You don't control it all or have to!
All you really have to control is how to DEAL with what you can not control and your attitude. That is power. That is the enlightenment that the Buddhist talk about... the state of non-attachemnt. A level of safe detatchment to what is going on where it's neither all is good or all bad. It just is. It is about an acceptance attitude. It's not happening 'to me' it's just happening.
I have noticed that THE MOST SUCCESFUL people do not create problems or obsticales for thmeselves. They believe they deserve the best and they get it. They really have no other thought. They have a childlike innocence and a view of the world that it is all giving and they are recieving.
It is interesting to meet these people because I wonder, are they SUPER evolved beings or are they narcissists? I tend to think a bit of both, but it is a very powerful selfishness, not that they are not humble but they expect everything to work out. They expect to get what they want. It works. I don't mean selfish in a rude way I mean the word self-ish. They love and respect themselves and know they deserve to thrive and take advantage of all the riches and dreams the world offers.
I find the people with buried insecurity, doubt, fear and worry create problems for themselves. Problems that probably don't and may not truly exisit because their path is more about learning how to tackle the obstacles.
They create a life of attempting to tear down obstacles to get to what they want. They never actually GET what they want because that is NOT the life they are used to creating. They create a life of building obstacles. This becomes familiar and expected and the circle really never ends.
This is where I get:: " You are the problem and you are the solution" coming into effect.
First you must be keenly aware this pattern may exist in you. Good news: if some people have found away to EXPECT only to get what they want~ so can you! You can begin to GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY.
This is not an easy road but a road of choice. You must in each moment choose to see what you want instead of what you don't. You must choose to believe in yourself, instead of doubt, But more importanly the highest goal is to trust in the universe and that which is out of your control to deliever to you all you divinely deserve, your dreams come true. whatever that risk is.
The biggest is believing you are worth getting everything you want. Because then what? ?!I f you get everything you want, how will you live?! You only know how to live building these obtacles! You have to be ready to change! To change the way you think, to change the way you live and to change what you to believe about yourself and what you deserve. Really deep down feeling and visualising what life would be like if you got it...ALL! You are worth being happy.We all are. Get ready to RECIEVE.
It is a simple choice we make very hard. We chose to do laundry before calling that Agent or writing that next song or creating that mission statement ....why because doing laundry doesn't bring up insecurity or possible rejection. What if you thought about your next creative step towards your dream like doing laundry. Like you have NOTHING to lose, it can not hurt you. It would be ridiculous to think doing laundry would hurt you, right? So go about getting your dream with the same detachment and confidence.
This is how I see the successful people get at it. With a detached sence of power, confidence and faith. They are the solution without creating problems. They don't create problems or obstacles to begin with.
You can't control accidents or natural disaster I am not talking about those things. But even then it is attitude that can make you sink or swim. Heal or take on dis-ease.
My adorable client who inspired this Blog today came in wearing a Ganesh necklace. Ganesh is a Hindu deity form the 4th and 5th century. If you are familiar with dieties it is the one with the elephant head. It is worshiped as the Lord or Beginnings and the Remover of Obstacles. Patron of Atrs and Science and Deva of wisdom and Intellect.
http://www.sanatansociety.org/hindu_gods_and_goddesses/ganesha.htm or http://www.ganesh.us/ for more information.
Interestingly enough she was wearing it for protection. She was not aware of it's true power as the remover of obstacles which would help her tenfold. She was on the right path and instead of feeling like she needed to wear it to be protected (feeling like a victim) she needed on a higher level to remove self imposed obstacles. Which is EXACTLY why she was attracted to this symbol.
So if you feel you are creating obstacles for youself, awarenss is key. Connect with Ganesh if you are the meditating type or if you are visually stimulated perhaps take a look at an image or wear one or put one up in the house. No matter what your beliefs are, it is a simple reminder that YOU ARE THE SOLUTION.
Her boyfreind came in for a healing too and when he first came in he was distressed and said " I feel like there is a huge wall in front of me to climb in my life and I don't know if i can get over it or how to."
I said, "Meditate on it simply dissolving. Perhaps there is not really a wall at all." he completely understood. We are powerful beings. Powerful to create walls powerful to tear them down...and we are POWERFUL to deserve our dreams and our happiness to come with ease and grace. YOU must first TRUST, ALLOW and then get ready to...RECIEVE.
In sweetness and gratitude~
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